Saturday, April 26, 2008


Have you ever found yourself practicing your violin over the matzoh ball soup simmering on the stove, wading in a sea of pots and pans and plastic containers and little boys at noon in your pajamas? Well, I have.


Becky said...

Good for you playing the violin!

Anonymous said...

You are a great multi-tasker!! Wish you could catch all of that in a photo! Or better yet, a video! Way to be!!

Anonymous said...

YOU are amazing Susan! Post your pics of our Benham falls ride! Not only is Susan an amazing mom and talented musician and artist she is a killer mtn. biker! Yeee haw!!! Stacey

Kristen Kimball said...

keep that violin away from the burners though!
your soup sounds yummy. i think i need the recipe.